Mission and Vision


Our Mission


  • The programmes and syllables of divinity faculties in Turkey are specialised on classical Islamic sciences and therefore, they are not able to evaluate some religious facts and events scientifically that occurs in various ways in society.
  • In our country, there is currently a major need of a “Faith Geography” prepared under scientific methods and an examination to religious understandings and thinking styles in Anatolian civilizations and in history of Turkish religions.
  • To look on the subject under the view of classical Islamic Sciences is not efficiently enough to help in the efforts that are presented in solving the problems. Therefore, it is necessary that these religious facts and events ought to be researched with the scientific methods currently used in scientific world by examining historical, philosophical, psychological, sociological, anthropological aspects of them.


Our Vision


Our vision is; by researching, examining, and evaluating the causes of religious related problems emerged in both the world and our country, with scientific and philosophical methods:

  • To light on the works of public and private institutions by publishing the gathered scientific and philosophical results.
  • To contribute in formation and developing process of a contemporary, modern and universal religious understanding that is compatible with science and not contradicted with reason and common sense.
  • To prepare a ground for cultural development of our country that is suitable with the customs and manners; the identity and the historical accumulations of our society.

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